Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Jenny's Response to Saving Mom Final

Hi Priscilla and Michael,
I basically kept a running response to the play as I watched it, and am sorting out those responses into affirmations/Questions/opinions below.

I like that we're starting with Anna's voice, and I really like the first monologue as a point of entry innto the play.
I like that Jon and Anna now sleep together BEFORE Anna has the "slick" scene with Carol.
I love Jon's attempting to say that Six is a lucky number, and Anna calling him on it.
I like Anna interrogating Carol about relationships...I especially like it because it's a place where Anna is very focused and active and externalized in her pursuit of information/outside ways of thinking. Not that this is necessarily something to strive for in a million places, but that it lets me see that Anna CAN be/do that, that it's in her to.
I REALLY like watching Anna put together what's going on with the hair. Watching her "solve" that mystery is something that keeps me really engaged.
I love the conversation at the end of act one, where we get the play's title. It feels really honest and true.
I pay a lot of attention every time Anna gives us something about why she's so fascinated by the hair, what the fact of hair/memory might mean to her.
I like Jon's full court press for more momentum in the relationship.

Why does ANNA want the hair thing to be true? I guess I'm still left wondering what, in full, the fact of memory hair means for Anna. How does wanting more and not settling in a relationship tie into the hair? Does it?
Why is Carol so dead-set on "I'm married, thus I'd never leave?"
Why does Jon want to be Anna's oasis? What is he drawn to in her, right from the get-go?
Does Jon love falling in love or being in love? If he loves falling in love, I understand why he would go after someone who makes it clear that she is in a relationship and thus only available in the short-term. If he loves being in love I understand why he pushes to go deeper in his relationship with Anna, but I'm less clear why he would be initially drawn to someone who has made clear that her "availability" comes with strings and a time limit. Or is it that he loves both, or changes his mind partway in? It may be that this is entirely clear and I'm a dunce, but I was left sort of wiggling the tooth of that when Seth/Jon was talking about love in last week's reading. For what it's worth, it's the first time I've thought about it.

I really love this play and where it's headed. I love the poetry of it, the deepening of the love triangle and my growing sympathy for the people on each side of it, I love the imagery you've got going all over and the fixation on memory.

Is it fair that, in a play that is dealing with poetry and a kind of...floating quality...that I still find myself wishing to be PULLED through the play a little more? I'm torn between wanting the motion to feel dreamlike/contemplative and wanting more thrust. Maybe my feeling torn isn't so far from the two kinds of relationships Anna's torn between :).

Betty's drowning scene is just stunning. I love Anna's phone call to her mother. I think I keep spelling Anna wrong, but I'm not sure.

Fantastic, fantastic work to both Priscilla and Michael! Kudos on a great semester!

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