Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jenny's Response to Soo-Jin's Final workshop


(1) As I said yesterday, I feel like there's a bravery and a sense of play to the writing you've been doing on "Saving Mom" this semester that is really exciting.
(2) I really liked hearing more about Sunshine and how she's been affected by the family dynamics.
(3) Like Carrie, I felt the air go out of the room when we heard the Rev's text message. I think it was a sense of just how deeply he is not what we imagine a reverend to be.
(4) It was really interesting to hear the Reverend's wife's voice yesterday.
(5) The timeline, and trying to create it in group, really opened up for me the things we don't know yet about this story, in a way that felt useful. Good-o.


(1) What were the circumstances of Mom and Reverend's first meeting?
(2) How sexual was Harriet before the Reverend came on to her?
(3) Is the Reverend's wife complicit in what has been going on between the two families?
(4) Why hasn't the Reverend's son married? Will his family be ending with his son's generation, and is that important or unimportant?
(5) How much truth was there in the close relationship that Mom was claiming to have with her daughters when she talked to Reverend.
(6) Does Sunshine know about/care about her pecking order in the family? Does Harriet? What impact does that pecking order have on the family's reaction to the events of the play?

(1) I'm curious what each of the characters sees as the major events of "their play" within this play.
(2) I really like what you've got going on with Sunshine and Denny
(3) I liked the intimacy and mutual joking of the kitchen scene yesterday -- it added to my understanding of why the Reverend and Mom were together.

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