Friday, March 30, 2007

George's Blog about "The Fourth"

Thanks for a couple of fun classes. I know entertaining the class is not a necessity, but both of your classes have been a pleasure to attend.

Day One: I thought it was fascinating how much one simple change (whether Adrien was on top or bottom) created this masssive shift in our perception of Adrien, Connor and their relationship - who is in charge, who is "culpable" in pushing the relationship forward, what Adrien's quest is, etc. A lot to play with there...

Great work on going for it and writing the two versions - testing the limits of the way moments can be presented, discovering the tone of your play.

Day Two: A compliment to you and the strength of your characters that we were all able to so easily jump into the "groove" of your play and fire off scenes with such confidence.


How long has Adrien been serving as a blowjobber™ for Connor? Was it only recently? Was it ever during the Jessica/Connor relationship?

Why did Connor "really" break up with Jessica?

Can "independence" tie into play more?

I think the big challenge for you with this play is to walk the line between us enjoying the characters as they simply chat and you the playwright moving the plot forward. There are times I want the play to move on and others I'm happy to sit there.

The other challenge for you is finding a way to theatricalize the worlds of text messaging and phone calls. I am not the biggest fan of phone calls in plays/movies, but in directing class last year, you convinced me it could work. I'd encourage you to keep developing a theatrical way of doing this - I'm a little scared of the static nature of text messages simply being on a screen, but am willing to be convinced otherwise. Is there a way you could physicalize both differently?

I worry that I like Seth too much - I end up disappointed when Adrien and he don't end up together. And think less of Adrien for not choosing/noticing him. I might root for the Adrien/Connor relationship more if Seth wasn't present (as much as I like him and I do like him).

Nice work, guys!

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