Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Erica S.'s (final) blog on the fourth!

First of all, I really loved the stuff you brought in yesterday...
The characters have become more and more complicated and real and therefore more and more engaging and sympathetic.
I am especially keyed into and invested in the Connor/Adrian relationship ... (and the fact that the new scenes are really hot doesn't hurt.)
I really enjoyed the explorations of how voicemail can be used in a dramatically exciting and communicative way. I thought that the reveal of internal thoughts through voicemail was brilliant- it seems like such a consistent impulse of yours to get the internal monologue out - and this way of doing it is really taking advantage of your voice and what play logic allows us in a great way! (that was a really convuluted sentence... i hope it makes sense)

What happens to characters who get what they want? (as in, what would Seth be left desiring if he got Adrian? or Adrian if he got Connor?)
How old are these characters? (lame question, but I've never been quite sure)
Would ALL of the characters ever be in the same space at the same time? What are the overlaps?

I've really enjoyed watching this play develop. I am endlessly interested in the characters and their individual desires/problems/quests... However, I don't know that I have any overarching questions or story to hang on to... I"m also not sure that I care at this point- but it seems like for you to find your ending there might be some distillation of story that needs to happen? maybe not.
I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more. I feel like I really really know these people and want to know what happens to them. It's like fantastically juicy gossip (delivered through precise and skilled language)...
